Published : 2023-12-31

Homo Hyperboreus: The 17th-Century Swedish Attempt to Question the Originality of the Intellectual Achievements of the Ancient Greeks


In the 17th century, Sweden was one of the European powers. One of the ways in which it tried to ideologically strengthen its high international position was to refer to the well-known Greek myth about the Hyperboreans. This reference had two main purposes: 1) to point out the high ethical and moral level of the Swedes as descendants of the Hyperboreans; 2) to question the cultural hegemony of the ancient Greeks, who themselves had considered the Hyperboreans to be a society with an exemplary ethical and moral structure. Relying on the Hyperborean legend, Swedish scholars (e.g. Georg Stiernhielm, Olaus Verelius, and Olaf Rubeck the Elder) tried to prove that the Swedes, descendants of the Goths, were the oldest nation of Europe and that the Gothic language was the original language of humanity. Consequently, the Greeks were believed to have perceived the culture of the Goths and Swedes, whom they called Hyperboreans, as models to follow, and their intellectual achievements were seen a mere imitation. Therefore, it was not the Greeks but the Goths and Swedes that had built the foundations of European civilization and that deserved the first place in the hierarchy of European nations.


history of Swedish political thought, Hyperboreans, Goths, Swedes, hierarchy of European nations, homo hyperboreus





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Kochanek, P. (2023). Homo Hyperboreus: The 17th-Century Swedish Attempt to Question the Originality of the Intellectual Achievements of the Ancient Greeks. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 11–40.

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