Published : 2023-12-31

Between Mentorella and Paris. Father Leon Zbyszewski‘s (1832-1907) Artistic Vision of the Cracow Resurrectionist Church


The paper is a study of the architecture and equipment of the Resurrectionist Church in Cracow, which was built between 1886 and 1887 by the Cracow house of the congregation, founded in 1885. It was the second Resurrectionist temple on Polish territory, after the Lviv church. The artistic vision of Father Leon Zbyszewski (1832-1907) CR had a fundamental impact on the temple. With the help of Father W. Orpiszewski, Zbyszewski developed an artistic vision for the church, where he referred to ancient and early medieval models, as well as the modern neostyle temple of Saint Pierre de Montrouge in Paris (1863-1872), built after a design by Émile Vaudremer. Leon Zbyszewski, collaborating with the Cracow architect and builder Wandalin Beringer, prepared a comprehensive artistic and ideological program for the church’s furnishings and decoration, including both the exposed roof truss, painting and sculpture decorations, the design of the altar partition, altars, music choir, pulpit and even pews and confessionals. The synthesis of Father Zbyszewski’s artistic experience produced a unique, yet modest, temple that successfully combined the patterns of ancient and medieval art, with an ideological program that was consistent with the congregation’s charism.


Leon Zbyszewski, Władysław Orpiszewski, Cracow architecture, Resurrectionist Church, Resurrectionists, church design





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Nestorow, D., & Nesterow, R. (2023). Between Mentorella and Paris. Father Leon Zbyszewski‘s (1832-1907) Artistic Vision of the Cracow Resurrectionist Church. Facta Simonidis, 16(3), 117–144.

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