Published : 2024-06-30

Beauty and Horror: The Rhine Falls in the Eyes of the Russian Travellers at the End of the 18th Century and in the First Half of the 19th Century


The paper presents the picture of The Rhine Falls in The Letters of the Russian Traveller (Moscow 1801) by Nikolay Karamzin, The Letters of a Russian Travelling across Europe from 1802 to 1806 (Moscow 1808, part 3) by Dmitry Gorikhvostov, The Letters from Abroad („Otechestvennye Zapiski” 1841-1843) by Pavel Annenkov, and The Sketches of the Banks of the Rhine and Switzerland (Moscow 1844) by Aleksey Meshcherski . The Rhine Falls (Rheinfall) is a waterfall in Switzerland (Schaffhausen) and the most awe-inspiring waterfall in Europe. The waterfall is seen as beautiful and threatening. For the travellers, it was not the waterfall itself that was dangerous but rather the road to it (Karamzin, Gorikhvostov, Meshcherski) and the political situation in Europe (Annenkov). The interpretive context of the article is the opposition between nature and civilization (J.J. Rousseau).


Rhine, waterfall, Russia, beauty, horror, danger





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Dąbrowska, M. (2024). Beauty and Horror: The Rhine Falls in the Eyes of the Russian Travellers at the End of the 18th Century and in the First Half of the 19th Century. Facta Simonidis, 17(1), 115–130.

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