Published : 2024-06-30

Catastrophes in Inland Navigation in the Light of the Testimonies of Ship Crew Members and Freighters Transporting Salt from the Cracow Salt Mines at the End of the First Half of the 18th Century


To ensure the proper distribution of salt in former Poland, it was crucial to safeguard the supplies of this mineral to the riverside salt depots. Despite rigorous standards defining the conditions for transporting salt, it was not possible to avoid shipwrecks or serious damage to ships, which resulted in the irretrievable loss of the transported mineral. Investigations into the sinking of the mineral and subsequent adjudication were dealt with by the salt mines commission. The testimonies it heard from witnesses to the sinking of the salt cargo prove how complex and dangerous the transport of this mineral from the Cracow salt mines was. These testimonies, on the one hand, show how the freighters employed by the salt mines’ authorities tried to conceal their misconduct, and, on the other hand, prove how effectively the salt mines commission tried to defend itself against this kind of fraud.


Vistula, inland navigation, transport of salt, Cracow salt mines, 18th century





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Kazusek, S. (2024). Catastrophes in Inland Navigation in the Light of the Testimonies of Ship Crew Members and Freighters Transporting Salt from the Cracow Salt Mines at the End of the First Half of the 18th Century. Facta Simonidis, 17(1), 83–99.

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