Published : 2024-06-30

The International Aspect of Energy Security of Central European Countries in the Political Thought of the Law and Justice Party during the 2023 Election Campaign


The full-scale attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine in February 2022 has significantly refocused the situation in Central Europe not only in a military sense but also in terms of energy. For years, Russia had played an important role in the supply of energy resources to the countries of the region. During the 2023 parliamentary election campaign the Law and Justice party focused on several key themes in the energy field, both of a domestic and international nature. The aim of the article is to analyze the political thought of Law and Justice in relation to ensuring the energy security of Central European countries and the ideas formulated by this political formation in this regard during the 2023 election campaign. The article discusses the main arguments formulated by the members of this political party on the need and legitimacy of increasing the energy security of Central European countries and the role and position of Poland in the region. The starting point of the analysis is the thesis that Law and Justice treated Central Europe as a key area of political activity and that the energy projects implemented by Polish companies were ultimately intended to increase Poland’s position in the international environment and to strengthen the level of energy security of Central European countries.


energy security, political thought, political parties, Poland, Law and Justice, Russian-Ukrainian war





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Paszkowski , M. (2024). The International Aspect of Energy Security of Central European Countries in the Political Thought of the Law and Justice Party during the 2023 Election Campaign. Facta Simonidis, 17(1), 307–322.

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