Published : 2024-06-30

Fictional Literature against the Dictatorship of Crime. Frank Goldammer’s Der Angstmann


Contemporary German crime novelist Frank Goldammer created the character of fictional criminal police inspector Max Heller, who became the protagonist of a series of seven historical crime stories. Particularly noteworthy in case of this entire series is the fact that the author creates fictional elements, setting them in very specific historical circumstances. As an example, we can refer to the first novel in the series, Der Angstmann (first full edition in 2017), which begins in Dresden in 1944. The purpose of this article is to analyze the creation of criminal plots inherent in literature of the historical detective genre using the Der Angstamann as an example. The actions of the criminal police, whose task is to capture a serial killer, are presented against the background of the criminal system of the Nazi state. The article aims to analyze the elements used by the author to describe crime in fiction and non-fiction, which is the basis for the construction of the novel’s narrative.


crime literature, crime, non-fiction, social and moral novel, trivia literature





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Madej, A. (2024). Fictional Literature against the Dictatorship of Crime. Frank Goldammer’s Der Angstmann. Facta Simonidis, 17(1), 231–251.

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