Published : 2024-06-30

Pierre Gilles: A Sixteenth-Century Precursor to Indiana Jones, or the Challenges of Research Travels


Pierre Gilles (Petrus Gyllius/Gillius) embarked on a journey through the Ottoman Empire between 1544 and 1552, seeking ancient manuscripts and studying the monuments of Byzantine culture. Operating in a Muslim environment and maintaining contact with the French ambassador, Gabriel d’Aramon, and the spy Nicolas de Nicolay, he risked accusations of espionage. He concealed some of his activities, which did not prevent him from being imprisoned. A lack of financial resources forced him to join the army and participate in the Sultan’s expedition against Persia. Captured by pirates while travelling through the Levant, he spent some time on the island of Djerba. Upon his release, he returned to Constantinople and continued his research on the city’s monuments, despite encountering hostility from its inhabitants. The tangible results of his scholarly expedition are two important works: De Bosphoro Thracio libri III and De Topographia Constantinopoleos.


Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul, Pierre Gilles, antiquities





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Wolińska, T. (2024). Pierre Gilles: A Sixteenth-Century Precursor to Indiana Jones, or the Challenges of Research Travels. Facta Simonidis, 17(1), 27–42.

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