Published : 2011-12-31

Jan Żabczyc – an unknown poet? A sketch of life and writings of an early Baroque court poet

Cecylia Galilej


The aim of this article is an attempt at popularizing Jan Żabczyc’s writings. Żabczyc was a very popular early Baroque court poet who nowadays seems to be unappreciated and lost among the great names of his times. He was well acclaimed in his lifetime, but since 18th century, when a change in literary tastes took place, his legacy started to sink into oblivion. There is not too much information concerning his life and activity in the critical works, those authors who mention him, however, regard his poems as works of high literary value, emphasizing one particular collection of his poems (Christmas carols) Symfonie anielskie. Żabczyc is best known for his carols, but he was also able to show literary skill in his other poems. Certainly his writings deserve to be discovered anew, and in effect appreciated again.


Baroque literature, composition of literary work, functions of language and literature, reception of literary work





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Galilej , C. (2011). Jan Żabczyc – an unknown poet? A sketch of life and writings of an early Baroque court poet. Facta Simonidis, 4(1), 121–134.

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