Published : 2010-12-31

The structure and operation of municipal government in the Republic of Italy in the years 1990-2010

Małgorzata Kwiatkowska


The article presents the municipality, and also the closest primary citizen of the political subdivisions of the Italian State. Autonomous units, equipped with its own statutes and certain competence, whose operation is guaranteed in the constitution. The author looks at community from the perspective of the Italian legislation, as entities with a public – legal and consisting of certain elements (population, territory, property), to then proceed to discuss the structure and functioning of the municipal authorities, namely the mayor, board and municipal council , the method of their choice (depending on the number of inhabitants, the majority of the system for municipalities with a population of 15 thousand., the proportion above this figure) and the tasks falling within their competence.


local government, commune in Italy, electoral system, village-mayor, communal council, board





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Kwiatkowska , M. (2010). The structure and operation of municipal government in the Republic of Italy in the years 1990-2010. Facta Simonidis, 3(1), 47–74.

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