Published : 2010-12-31

Collaboration of Poland and Ukraine on a political and military plane after 1991

Estera Kaczor


Poland and Ukraine is connected by the special, strategic partnership. After 1991 the Polish-Ukraine mutual relations developed in all areas and on the different stages. The contacts of the higher state representatives had an important value for mutual correlations of both states. Beginning from presidency of Lech Wałęsa and Leonid Krawczuk, during the summit meetings, declarations and promises which touch a collaboration appear constantly. A lot of assurances concerning future partnership had taken place during also the presidency of Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Leonid Kuczma. After the ‘orange revolution’ the belief that the Polish-Ukrainian relations had never been so advantageous like presently become very popular. Strategic partnership is realized through creation of establishments of bilateral collaboration (Commissions, Committees, POLUKRBAT), to raising of the general undertaking (Days of the good-neighborhood) and the mutual aid. However, many businesses remain in the field of declaration, and there are still a lot of problems connected with unresolved historical issues.


Strategic partnership, trans-border cooperation, the ‘Vistula’ Action, the „orange revolution”, Polish-Ukraine relations





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Kaczor, E. (2010). Collaboration of Poland and Ukraine on a political and military plane after 1991. Facta Simonidis, 3(1), 75–104.

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