Published : 2010-12-31

Lingustic analysis of sepulchral inscriptions in selected Ortho- dox cemeteries in the disctrict of Tomaszów Lubelski

Jolanta Klimek

Mariusz Koper


This paper presents a linguistic analysis of sepulchral inscriptions in a number of Orthodox cemeteries in the district of Tomaszów Lubelski. The inscriptions under analysis date back to mid-19th and early 20th century – in the region there are no Orthodox graves from an earlier period. The linguistic analysis of the inscriptions is preceded by a brief survey of the history of the region. A detailed analysis of the inscriptions helped establish their main components: name, surname and the date of death. Additionally, the inscriptions include initial and concluding forms that make the obligatory element precise. Two tendencies occur in the inscriptions’ orthography. On the one hand, Church Slavonic influences are evident; on the other, Ruthenian elements are inserted. A similar variation is observable on the lexical level: Ukrainian (the territory of the former Austrian Partition) or Russian (the territory of the former Russian Partition – Congress Kingdom of Poland) forms are employed.


cemetery, necropolis, Church Slavonic language, Ukrainian language, Russian language, sepulchral inscription, district of Tomaszów Lubelski





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Klimek, J., & Koper , M. (2010). Lingustic analysis of sepulchral inscriptions in selected Ortho- dox cemeteries in the disctrict of Tomaszów Lubelski. Facta Simonidis, 3(1), 243–263.

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