Published : 2008-12-31

Die Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Jürgen Beschorner


Universities of applied sciences in Germany exist in the modern form since the 1960s. They enjoy increasing popularity among students. Principal reasons for it are: Shorter study duration tightly organised study expiry, lessons in small groups and applied learning which is often expressed in a high quote of compulsory internship periods. As for the universities in general, the federal states are primarily competent for the universities of applied sciences, being bound to the federal university frame law which expires probably in October, 2008. Organizationally they conform to the requirements of the federal university frame law for universities in general; only few regulations for universities are not or only modifi ed applicable on universities of applied sciences. This also applies for the personnel area. By getting out of vigour of the law, the federal states will dispose of even greater scope in this area. Indeed, the universities of applied sciences have been from the outset forerunners in the Bologna process and have improved their future chances compared with the universities by consequent implementing of the Bologna purposes.


Universities of applied sciences, position in higher education system, organisation, comparison with universities, Bologna-process





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Beschorner , J. (2008). Die Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Facta Simonidis, 1(1), 15–44.

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