Published : 2016-12-30

Model reformy polskich służb specjalnych na tle innych krajów postkomunistycznych – rozważania teoretyczne

Sylwia Galij-Skarbińska


In all authoritarian systems (including previous Eastern Bloc) secret service was a key tool to maintain their grip on power.
The restitution of an appropriate role of secret service was one of the priority tasks, which the authorities of the countries which chose a democratic way in 1989, had to complete. Among those countries was Poland, which was one of the countries where, it has to be admitted, the reform of civil secret service took place relatively late, while compared to political changes. That is why the main aim of this research paper is presenting the reasons of such a situation, as well as the circumstances, which accompanied forming new services, that is the Office of State Protection.

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Galij-Skarbińska, S. (2016). Model reformy polskich służb specjalnych na tle innych krajów postkomunistycznych – rozważania teoretyczne. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (5), 91–105.

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