Published : 2015-12-30

Człowiek w epoce Internetu

Sylwia Galij-Skarbińska


We are living in a time when reality ceases to be significant for the individual, because it can exist in many “realities” through cyberspace. There is no time for reflection and separating fiction from the truth, which is bewildered by the media, media quality and speed of information delivery. The network is slowly becoming so powerful a substitute for reality that an individual can put on masks and adopt roles they would never choose in reality. The network is blurring the rights and obligations, and numerous roles are simply no longer required. On the one hand, society is becoming homogeneous, or rather atomized. Everyone, at their own computer, losing grasp of reality in the virtual world.

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Galij-Skarbińska, S. (2015). Człowiek w epoce Internetu. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (3), 9–17.

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