Published : 2017-12-31

Development policies of innovative solutions in air transport

Małgorzata Żmigrodzka

Katarzyna Kostur-Balcerzak


Recent advances in Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems/Unmanned Aviation Vehicle technologies are on the rise. They are popularly called ‘drones’ and their terminology derives from ICAO regulations. The interest in drone exploitation involves not only military but also civilian and commercial areas. The aim of this article is to give an insight into the development direction of remotely piloted aircraft and present current possibilities of using new technologies in air transport. The authors of the article used the subject of research literature analysis method including the sources available on the official websites of the air transport inspecting authorities, as well as world organizations relating to the subject matter analysed in this article. Recent advances in new technologies are on the rise, which offers potential. The condition of law regulations as well as low awareness of the potential users is, however, problematic. According to experts, there is still much to be done before UAV are mass-produced. It is connected with numerous factors. One of them is education in the new branch of civil aviation, which involves senior personnel training.


Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Aviation Vehicle, innovation, air transport

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Żmigrodzka, M., & Kostur-Balcerzak, K. (2017). Development policies of innovative solutions in air transport. Facta Simonidis, 10(1), 179–194.

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