Published : 2023-12-31

North Italy in the Eyes of the Russians in the Early 19th Century: On Dmitry Gorikhvostov’s Travel Literature


The paper presents the picture of north Italy in “The Letters of a Russian Traveling across Europe from 1802 to 1806” (Moscow, parts 1-3, 1808) and “The Notes of a Russian Travelling across Europe from 1824 to 1827” (Moscow, parts 1-2, 1831-1832) by Dmitry Gorikhvostov (1769-1846). “The Letters” describe, among others, Venice, and “The Notes” describe Verona, Milan, Parma, Modena and Bologna. The interpretive context is provided by “The Letters of a Russian Traveller” by Nikolay Karamzin and the descriptions of Germany and France in other works by Gorikhvostov. The Italian travelogs contain descriptions of the Apennines and the Adriatic Sea, works of art and architecture, as well as the traveling conditions and costs. Rather than give a scientific description of Italy, the author writes about his Italian travels simply as a pleasurable experience.


travel, north Italy, Dmitry Gorikhvostov, architecture, fine arts, city, pleasure





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Dąbrowska, M. (2023). North Italy in the Eyes of the Russians in the Early 19th Century: On Dmitry Gorikhvostov’s Travel Literature. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 55–69.

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