Published : 2023-12-31

Why We Do Not Always Perceive Our Body as Perfect?


The psychological image of the body refers to a subjective conception of one’s physical appearance, based on self-observation and the reactions of others. The “ideal” body image can vary within cultural and ethnic groups, as well as within any other group, such as teenagers. Where do people really get their ideal body images from? What factors influence these images in one’s lifetime? How can one’s parents, teachers and environment affect the development of one’s healthy, positive body images? The literature review shows that the promotion of false, digitally altered body images, which are unattainable by the majority of the population, is a cause of eating disorders and fuels an irrational fear of obesity. This review paper aims to answer the above questions and identify possible sources of abnormal perception of one’s own body.


anthropometry, body image, body mass index, modelling, role models





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Styk, W., & Biernacka, B. (2023). Why We Do Not Always Perceive Our Body as Perfect?. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 245–257.

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