Published : 2023-12-31

Tracing Zamość’s Railway Infrastructure from 1915-1939: The Potential of Railway Tourism in the City.


Apart from its architecture and urban planning, Zamość can interest tourists in something unique, so far not used in its promotion. One opportunity for the Padua of the North is undoubtedly railway tourism, which can result in a number of activities promoting the city and the region economically and culturally. Invented in 1825, the railway as a means of transport made it possible to move people en masse in ways previously unimaginable, at the same time giving rise to a new type of tourism. The railway is not only infrastructure, traction vehicles, buildings and junctions, but, above all, evidence of the historical changes taking place in an area, shaping its landscape and determining its development. The history of the railway in Zamość is different from that of, say, other towns in the Lublin Voivodeship. The construction of the railway line by the Austrians in 1916 and its extension in the direction of Volodymyr created opportunities for economic development in Zamość during the short but very intensive interwar period of 1919-1939. The layout of the railway station, the loading and shunting yards with a system of sidings, of which there are hardly any traces left, as well as the plans for the construction of new lines and railway settlements, along with the existing communication network, give an idea of the extent to which the railway contributed to the spatial development of contemporary Zamość. Railway tourism, which has been neglected in the promotion of Zamość, will make it possible to get to know the city from a hitherto unknown perspective, increasing its attractiveness in terms of, among other things, alternative tourism.


Zamość, railway tourism, railway, railway infrastructure, Zamość station, Nowa Osada loading yard, World War I, interwar period (1919-1939)





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Żygawski, J. (2023). Tracing Zamość’s Railway Infrastructure from 1915-1939: The Potential of Railway Tourism in the City. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 131–163.

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Wydawnictwo Akademii Zamojskiej
ul. Pereca 2, 22-400 Zamość
tel.: +48 84/638 34 44;
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Akademia Zamojska
ul. Pereca 2, 22-400 Zamość
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