Published : 2020-06-30

Powstanie i rola Kościelnych Komitetów Pomocy Więzionym, Internowanym, Represjonowanym i ich Rodzinom w pierwszych miesiącach stanu wojennego


In the totalitarian system dominated by communists, the Catholic Church has always remained an enclave of freedom, which in difficult moments was a shelter for the persecuted, repressed by the regime. Help took the form of not only material, but also spiritual, triggering the desire to continue in the opposition activities. A great role in this process was played by priests, who carried out their pastoral and charitable service in both intellectuals and workers. The role of the Church Committees to Aid of Prisoners, Interned, Oppressed and their Families cannot be overestimated. From the first months of martial law, their efforts focused on supporting the interned, imprisoned and their families. Later, the focus was on medical and legal assistance to people tried in political trials. Material aid was organized for the poorest, people dismissed from work due to repression, as well as for their families, including children.

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Galij-Skarbińska, S. (2020). Powstanie i rola Kościelnych Komitetów Pomocy Więzionym, Internowanym, Represjonowanym i ich Rodzinom w pierwszych miesiącach stanu wojennego. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (12), 269–292.

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