
The annual journal Biografistyka Pedagogiczna [Biographical Studies in Education] has been published since 2016. It is a scientific periodical, a forum for the exchange of ideas for researchers representing various fields of knowledge (social sciences, humanities, theological sciences) and dealing with the study of biographies and presenting them in pedagogical, educational and upbringing aspects.

We want the journal Biografistyka Pedagogiczna to present biographical research in the context of education, history, sociology, psychology, theology, the history of literature and even science. The journal will include biographical sketches, studies conducted using biographical and autobiographical methods, materials showing personal documents and sources used for studying biographies, as well as methods of presentation and editing. It will also include articles presenting and reviewing interesting biographical literature and describing biographical studies.

The programme framework of the annual journal:

  • research methods and tools used in biographical studies in education;
  • biographical research in the context of education, upbringing, patriotism, personalism and intergenerational relations;
  • creating patterns and role models and their use in education and culture;
  • promoting the biographies of significant individuals in education, upbringing, culture and literature;
  • studying the biographies of teachers, tutors, lecturers, scholars and professors;
  • studying school, educational, family and academic environments;
  • the importance of biographies in the functioning, creation of and research on national and ethnic traditions;
  • biographies and studies of auto/biographical memory and places of memory;
  • the andragogic dimension of the biographies of elderly people;
  • the role of biographies in illness, disability and social exclusion;
  • the therapeutic dimension of biographies and biographicality;
  • sources for biographical studies;
  • the wealth of biographical literature.

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"Biografistyka Pedagogiczna" received funding for the years 2022-2024 from the funds of the Minister of Education and Science under the programme „Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych”.

Project duration: 2023-2024.

The amount of co-financing is 65 992,00 PLN

Contract number: RCN/SP/0434/2021/1