Data publikacji : 19-12-2022

Multi-Dimensional Finnish Educational Change-Selected Aspects in the Perspective of Pasi Sahlberg’s Works


This article presents the selected aspects of Finnish multi-dimensional educational change from the varied perspectives of Pasi Sahlberg’s works. The biggest reform in Finnish education started in November 1963 and was based on „collaboration among schools, personalised learning, focus on the whole child, trust-based responsibility and equity of outcomes”. Sahlberg added that „schools collaborate, they help one another and help teachers create a culture of cooperation in their classrooms”, especially in order to reinforce the best solutions for personalised learning, designed within the framework of Finnish national goals. Consequently, students have their own individualised learning plans to address their own educational requirements. Moreover, teachers in Finland focus on the whole child, paying attention to the moral character, personality, skills and talents of each student.





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Zasady cytowania

Suwalska, A. (2022). Multi-Dimensional Finnish Educational Change-Selected Aspects in the Perspective of Pasi Sahlberg’s Works. Biografistyka Pedagogiczna, 7(1), 387–402.

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