Data publikacji : 19-12-2022

Forerunners of the Polish Theory of Aesthetic Education


The article outlines the views of the forerunners of the Polish theory of aesthetic education: Janina Mortkowiczowa (1875-1960), Stefan Szuman (1889-1972), Stanisław Ossowski (1897-1963) and Bogdan Suchodolski (1903-1992). The juxtaposition of opinions on the role of art in education with elements of precursors' biographies enables a deeper understanding of these opinions. The research approach adopted also shows the evolution of thought and the process of shaping the Polish theory of aesthetic education over the course of the twentieth century.





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Zasady cytowania

Lisiecka, A. (2022). Forerunners of the Polish Theory of Aesthetic Education. Biografistyka Pedagogiczna, 7(1), 173–196.

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