Published : 2021-12-10

John Paul II’s Pedagogical Contexts of Catholic Social Teaching

Mirosław Kowalski


Catholic social teaching has an important interdisciplinary dimension. This is particularly true of its reference and openness to the pedagogical and educational dimensions. The article aims to outline the educational contexts of Catholic social teaching as perceived by John Paul II (from the perspective of his biography) in the aspect of, inter alia, ways of its interpretation (understanding), which have been shaped with reference to pedagogy in social sciences over the years. The theoretical and practical effectiveness of pedagogy presupposes dialogue and its openness to other social sciences. John Paul II includes Catholic social teaching in the field of moral theology, thus pointing to its normative dimension. Catholic social teaching gains effectiveness in influencing socialisation and educational processes if it is related to the life of a community and individuals living in society. John Paul II’s merit in this matter was the ability to connect the need for interdisciplinarity and autonomy of Catholic social teaching, and also to emphasise its personalistic character.


John Paul II, pedagogy, education, Catholic social teaching





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Kowalski, M. (2021). John Paul II’s Pedagogical Contexts of Catholic Social Teaching. Biografistyka Pedagogiczna, 6(2), 315–326.

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"Biografistyka Pedagogiczna" received funding for the years 2022-2024 from the funds of the Minister of Education and Science under the programme „Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych”.

Project duration: 2023-2024.

The amount of co-financing is 65 992,00 PLN

Contract number: RCN/SP/0434/2021/1